Tamsee Store provides the below method for order payment:

  • PayPal

We provide the option for payment in different currencies (USD/SGD/AUD) on the website for your convenience.
** If your selected currency differs from your Credit/ Debit Card, extra exchange charges can be charged by your card issuer or bank. All of these charges would be borne by you.

Why PayPal?

– PayPal is one of the world’s largest online payment companies. You can have a smooth, secure and safe checkout process by registering a PayPal account

In order to protect from any cyber crimes, from time to time we may ask to confirm or request certain proof from you when,

– Delivery address differs from your billing address

– Request is made to change the address after placing an order

– Order of high value and/or volume

– Other issues that may raise suspicion

**We reserve the right to hold a shipment in the case of any suspicious activities relating to fraud, misuse of Credit Cards or fake identities.